
Here are six elements of excellent employee service

Here are six elements of excellent employee service - at all levels in an organization.

1 - Excellent employee service starts with good selection. It's hiring the right person for the right job. Have you ever encountered MBT Shoes Cheap a person in a public contact job that just didn't get it? We all have. If you've got a job that requires people skills and optimism, hire an optimistic people person. You cannot train a pessimistic person to be optimistic - it just won't happen. When you're tempted to hire that good looking person with the personality of a stone for a customer contact position, instead of the less attractive person with the ready smile and a good word, go for the smile and the good word.

2 - Excellent employee service creates expectations of performance through leading by example. When that store manager greets everyone who comes into his/her store with a smile and a "How can I help you?" the model MBT Chapa Shoes for customer service behavior is set. The manager who is too busy to acknowledge their customers cannot expect a high level of customer service - his people will, just like the boss, be too busy to give exceptional service.

3 - Excellent employee service starts with the conviction that every single person is a contributing member of the team - and everyone is held to a high standard of service. Successful leaders know employee service is inclusive - they put their arms around everybody and include them on the team.

4 - Excellent employee service means setting and communicating high standards, training to meet them, and being demanding. High standards bring out the best - they also flush out the worst. They let people know they are in a MBT Tembea Shoes, special place - a place that won't tolerate substandard behavior. People take pride in being part of that kind of organization.

