
Excellent employee service recognizes accomplishment

5 - Excellent employee service recognizes accomplishment- in its many forms. I just had an ultra sound. The technician who did the test has been with her employer for 17 years. Two day before my test she had her appendix removed! She was as nice and helpful as anyone could be - she gave me excellent MBT Tataga customer service. She also is extremely proud of her attendance record. Is that outstanding? I think so. I suspect she has stayed at the same place for 17 years because she's been recognized in the past - and she's looking for more - and she will get it.

6 - Excellent employee service provides feedback to all. Regular "how are we doing" meetings, passing on customer feedback, providing tips on how to help customers, cross training in different jobs - all lead to better MBT Sawa Shoes, qualified and informed employees who will provide a higher level of excellent customer service.

It's critical to measure the level of customer service. It's also critical to measure the level of employee service. There is a direct correlation between the two. Take the six elements of excellent employee service and see where your organization stands. If you want better customer service, start with better MBT Changa Shoes, employee service.

