
Sales Training cannot be event based

Sales Training cannot be event based. A chronic misunderstanding about training is the issue of changing habits. Habits are formed from years of influences and behaviors. These behaviors have cultivated through many years of constant repetition. Enculturation is manifestation of behaviors. These Nike Shox O'Nine behaviors do not change in a seven-hour program. It is counter productive to believe that a billion dollar firm will obtain double digit production after a seven-hour event. Results come from repetition. When was the last time other than starvation that you lost weight in a day or increased muscularity without exercise? Ask your selling professionals, "can you do the job if you life depended on it?" Deter shortcuts and train staff periodically for best results! Treat them as elite athletes.

Many selling representatives do not adopt the prescribed methodology. The worst travesty for any training program is a sheer lack of accountability. There are countless anecdotes of participants sent into training for hours and days at a time, returning to work no better than before training. Workers return to past habits having forgotten educational practicum. This illustrates a complete Nike Shox OZ, disregard for the return on investment. The only mechanism for success is the establishment of new habits. What gets remembered gets repeated and it is imperative for individuals to constantly repeat new processes to change old habits.

Second, review your talent pool. Research proves that certain behaviors cannot be taught. Organizations can hire for physical ability and even certain skills but talent is innate. Your talent does or does not have Nike Shox Sale,. When the methodology is not used, search your talent pool.

