
Royalty Free Stock Footage are usually

Royalty Free Stock Footage are usually categorized by different genres, e.g. animals, landscapes, people, business, food, sports, time lapse, technology, medical, landmarks, background, elements, visual effects and 3D animation just to name a few. They can further be divided into sub-categories, e.g. 3D animation can be sub-categorized into spinning globes, Nike Blazer SB, waving flags, ocean and water etc.

While the availability of Royalty Free Stock Footage on the Internet is exploding, it is far from being saturated because every project has unique needs. For example, an outdoor shot can have different lighting moods and environmental settings, weather conditions, color tones, camera angle and camera movements. Likewise for 3D animation, each animator may create, texture and render each scene differently.

In the past, there were only a handful of stock footage companies around. They typically charged a few thousand dollars per clip, and those were not even royalty free. Your licensing cost had to depend on how many times you intended to use the Nike Shox O'Nine,footage, and in how many countries or regions your footage will be broadcast or distributed.

Now, thanks to technology advancement, more people can afford to own high quality video cameras, desktop editing systems and animation software. With increased broadband speed, people across the world can now deliver their own Royalty Free Stock Footage online, via niche websites that offer to consolidate individual video into a huge mega stock footage library. This online stock footage library is easily browsable, offers a secure payment system, and also includes a digital download delivery back-end. Some videographers and animators even set up their own online stores selling their personal video or animation footage. As a result, cost is lowered exponentially.

