
Marketing Idea #4: Offer a private 15-minute

Marketing Idea #4: Offer a private 15-minute consultation or coaching session on a topic that complements the product they're purchasing.Sure, this can be a little time-consuming but the payoff can be enormous! How? Because someone who purchases your product loves what you do and wants more of it. They are more likely to sign up for the higher-end offer that you'll wisely make available to them in that 15-minute conversation. If you have corporate clients, offering a complimentary assessment is a simple no-cost or low-cost alternative that works beautifully.

It's not unusual to have 60-90% of those 15-minute consultations or coaching sessions turn into higher-paying clients.

Your cost? A few minutes of your time.

Marketing Idea #5: Offer a follow-up consultation or coaching session 90 days after their purchase.People know the value of follow-up because they understand that without it, their chances of taking action are greatly decreased. Offering a reasonably in-depth follow-up telephone or in-person session helps cement value in the eyes of your client, and allows you the opportunity to help them implement your information and make an additional offer to them. They are likely to see the value of the additional offer and want to make the extra purchase.

Your cost? One day or less.

No matter what you offer as bonuses, be sure to emphasize the value of the bonus just as much as the value of your program, teleseminar, e-book or information product. People are overwhelmed with information so be sure to clearly list why the bonus is important and how it's going to help them solve their problem.

