The average monthly fee is around $10. Some plans offer a small annual fee of around $20, which should be considered if your faxing needs are very minimum. There are also some services where you pay around $4 per month with no free pages, you buy faxes as you need them.
6. No Set Up Fee
Most but not all Internet Fax services have no set up fees. Check your service plan before you sign up. Keep in mind, it might be worth your while to pay a start-up fee if the service you're getting is worth it.
7. No hidden Fees
Most fax services do not have hidden fees but you must ask or check before you buy. Make sure all your faxing costs are up-front and you can check these costs at any time. Some companies will notify you when there are extra charges over your regular limit.
8. Around 300 Combined Pages (Incoming & Outgoing)
There are different amounts but most companies have around 300 combined faxing pages included in their plans, this includes incoming and outgoing faxes. If you do a lot of faxing, it pays to shop around for the best service with the largest number of faxes each month.