

Last night in the early evening began with her feeling a bit below par, but silent distressed to make it to a women's Bible study at our church, I took it on myself to do total of the baby bedtime routines - something I admit my wife normally takes charge of (after total, I am such a occupied person with an office and a computer and a comfortable chair).
I pulled expired the absolute, sat my daughter down alongside to me, watched a "Baby Einstein" DVD I have seen a thousand times (every night), fixed her nightly bottle (did NOT feed it to her earlier - there's a usual - and you MUST follow the ROUTINE or the world will end), gave her a bath while she splashed manifold water OUT OF the tub than what was actually IN THE TUB, dried her, put lotion and diaper incautious cream on her, changed her while she kicked me (repeatedly), picked her up, THEN fed her her bottle while I rocked her (in a room my wife had JUST THAT DAY rearranged extremely that my daughter would continuously be distracted a shot changes in the room), sung her a lullaby, and one day...attempted to put her to bed.

