
do you know my name is ginger

Unexpectedly, but Xin Yi smiles slightly: "ah, you are right it is, if it was me, my lover by others harm, I will try to take
revenge, you are right, anyway, at least This can prove you are a humane people, some for their own survival than on the
person at the expense of strong partners too much, Miss Jiang, who do you think that the unscrupulous do not got to be it? "
Xin Yi talking points fingers but also to be kneeling on the floor of the mine, meaning to ask Jiang to be the lotus is not
got to be mine.
Jiang Lin Xin Yi's words have been surprised a moment, she could not find Xin Yi is so to speak, it simply does not like the
dialogue between enemies, but faintly in his tone has agreed to hear the meaning of their own practices, but a asked Ray to
be the non Gaisha, Jiang Lin of the answer is yes, such a man simply no survival value, no matter from any one, this person
can only be despised Siyouyugu, and they answered said: "got to be! ... ... how do you know my name is ginger?"

